One Day at a Time - lockdown diary

On January 4, 2021, as Boris Johnson announced the UK’s third nationwide lockdown, I started a diary of drawings to document the Covid-19 pandemic’s deadly second wave.

The images were scribbled in biro nightly in my sketchbook at first as a sanity-saving practice, to provide some kind of catharsis from what I was hearing, seeing and writing about in my day job as UK media manager at the British Red Cross. Because my job involved listening to the news all day long, drawing became a therapeutic practice that helped me process what we were collectively going through in the UK and around the world.

Although the project started off as a personal sanity-saving mechanism, once I started sharing the pictures on social media friends encouraged me to turn them into a book.

I remain very proud of this historical record of some extremely strange and troubling times, which tell a story of humanity and resilience.


The Fairness Index

